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Dave Briggs

Thanks for the links, Beth! Nancy's work is indeed great and we need to involve this where we can. We don't want to reinvent the wheel, but a bit of repackaging never did any harm!

Nancy White

Hey Dave and Beth

When I was researching this toolkit, my first thought was GEE, clients keep asking for this and I hate reinvention. So what I did was go back to the other toolkits I was involved with and asked permission to carry forward the work I did there.

Then I started researching the links in those kits and sadly, some of them were dead. So it dawned on me that we need some level of redundancy and that the key was CROSSLINKING between toolkits. So if I find three great pages on Open Space "how tos" I want to edit from those for this toolkit's context (international development for the most part, some focus on ag research) AND link to those pages.

The challenge that keeps showing up for me is how to create "ways in" so people can evaluate tools and methods from their own context and have some idea about how to evaluate and pick. Because the volume can be overwhelming.

This is where the stories of use are critical. So we need to cross link those as well.

So for me, "repackaging" is about context and linking is about continuity and ongoing learning. Does that make any sense?

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