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Drew Bernard


Flickr makes uploading and dealing with images easy enough that we have seen some great examples of groups using it as a light engagement touch for members. "Submit your favorite photo," "Photo Petitions" sorts of things are great with Flickr. This can be accomplished in other ways, but frankly doing it with Flickr is both easier and provides a higher ROI.

User submitted is always good :-)

Beth Kanter


Do you have some examples of such projects? Like links in Flickr? And, do you have any ROI studies on use of Flickr? Or have you written about this on your blog?

Jeff Trexler

Excellent list of suggestions in making the transition from toy to tool!

Andrea Vascellari

Photos are a great way to share information, so I'm really curious to see how this will grow now that there are free Flickr PRO accounts for non-profit ( )

This is a good news!


Drew Bernard

Beth I think the funnest/perhaps best example I have seen in a LONG time is the campaign. I am sure you've seen this, given where you call home. But the interesting thing to me what just how low-budget this thing was and yet how effective. Becka Economopoulos showed this at a recent NOI session in San Francisco and it gave me a smile for the rest of the week.

Here's the back story:


In response to your request to Drew for flickr URL examples, there exists the Twitter Pea Fund avatars found @ flickr:

Still an active fundraising effort for cancer research @ Twitter.

Thanks for all you do here, Beth.

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