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« Congratulation to Marnie Webb and Vince Stehle for NTC 08 Awards | Main | Changing Civic Engagement In New Orleans One Video Blog Post at a Time »


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Congratulations on your award Beth! You deserved it 1000%!

Robin Reagler

Hi Beth, Enjoyed your panel at NTC. Enjoyed meeting you. And: congrats on your award!

Beth Kanter

Thanks so much for the kind words!

James Young

Beth, it was great to meet you and talk shop.

Barbara Kelly

Beth: I hope you remember meeting me in the hallway with Wendy Harman? One of the highlights of NTC was seeing your presentations and getting onboard with your blog. First big question: in your ROI panel you put up an address via wiki where the slides, material would be posted. I was too slow to note that but would very much like to have it. Thanks!

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