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« Mashups with Social Impact for the NetSquared Mashup Challenge | Main | NpTech Tag Summary: NpTech Slide Decks, Twitter Saves Children, and Visualizing Information for Advocacy »


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I use FeedDemon - so great! Doesn't crash on me like Google Reader does, and I can organize things easily.


Heh, I thought I was the only one who did that :)

My nonprofit, tech and general interest feeds are in Bloglines, my work feeds (Indigenous issues) are in Google Reader. Much easier to organise myself that way - same solution as you Beth - fewer distractions when trying to work!

Steve Sherlock

All my feeds are in Bloglines (approx 800 and growing). I did not see any issue this weekend (or since) although I was not online much this weekend either.

Kin Lane

I heavily use Google Reader for my information consumption and tracking.

I setup separate google accounts for each project to keep things separated...then I share between accounts.

With firefox add-ons I can switch between google accounts quickly. Plus I can give project level logins....or share...while maintaining my personal account as well.

My personal feed list is just barely 500...but come clients I maintain many more....and keep much data tagged for research.

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