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Do you have a recording of this interview? I would love to hear it!


Thanks for the post...really helpful.

You may have already written about this, but I'd be curious to know what methods were most successful for you. Were you able to track donations as a result of emails, tweets, blog posts, Facebook status updates, Facebook emails...

I suppose it would be different for anyone running a campaign depending on how well that network was developed, but all things being equal, did you leave with any sense of priority of applications?

Beth Kanter

I'm sure hoping that it was recorded and will see if Laura recorded it.

Adam, you ask a question that has been on my mind - but thinking big picture for now .. see my beta slide show for GSP

feeback welcomed


hi beth -you now have another 50 circuit rider fans from yesterdays show ... Like having you in the room!

Beth Kanter


It was so great to see you all guys! It was like being in the room - except minus the jetlag. But also, I miss out on the great fun in the pub and chance to hang out with some of my favorite social media nonprofit UK folks.

Beth Kanter

PS I hoping you blogged a report about what you all did for the game and how it worked? Have you remixed the cards? What was your process? What were some of the insights?

Laura Whitehead

Hi Beth - you have another new crowd of fans and followers who were inspired by your enthusiasm to get up and have a go at it all! Thank you again for participating! Great fun!


Hi Beth, I was in the background in the workshops at LASA taking pics and videoing it so we should have captured both sessions. Here is another geekily recursive pic for you. More photos from the whole couple of days, and my post about it. (PS the ones with everyone waving were at you when we said bye!)

Josh Hoole

Hi Beth - I asked the question about the fear factor and liked what you said about not having much fear! I'm now using Facebook to encourage IT professionals to volunteer and it's already had other benefits like our news appearing on a national fundraising website!.

Great stuff - Thanks

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