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Audrie Schaller

What a great natural "fit" of web 2.0 and an organization's mission: Flickr and the Nature Conservancy. I deal primarily with organizations that serve children and families, and one of the hurdles we have is confidentiality. Photos that directly fit the mission are difficult to post with confidence.

The advice to keep it authentic is great...not interfering too much. You (Beth) and others have driven this home time and again.

Authenticity is a big challenge for any organization, as there is a tendency to "command and control." Nonprofits aren't immune to a culture of bureaucracy, but it's more than that--the need for large nonprofits with national organizations to promote "branding" nationwide leads to the control urge.

When a nonprofit wants to "dive in" to the web 2.0 pool, there has to be trust on behalf of the board and management to let things evolve...even through a few glitches. Again, why I stress planning. If the powers-that-be know how web 2.0 fits with strategy, they'll probably be more relaxed.

Julie Power

Hi Beth
good story. We just wrote something similar about a cool use of flickr by georgia aquarium. It created an interactive map .. which showed the people who'd visited and the photos they'd taken. A nice way to use existing resources for social media. I think my readers may be interested in this story too so will link to you in a post this week. Julie

Andrew Mills

Hey Beth just finished reading your post and loved it. It's always nice to see people beginning to use social communities more regularly and with a proper strategy. If you want to check out another Web 2.0 project using Flick our company created come check it out at Have a great day!

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