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« Small Nonprofits: Beware of this Scam | Main | Social Fundraising! Social Birthday Greetings! Thank You »


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Andrea Vascellari

Happy Birthday Beth!


Michele Martin

Happy Birthday, Beth! Let's hope you get your birthday wish this year!

Shaping Youth

An outhouse, huh? Thanks for the photos,! Question: Since I donated before and you're going for 'unique users' when I donate again tomorrow for your bday and use a different computer and diff. credit card and diff. e-mail address it should register as a 'diff user' right? (my daughter loved your kids' video, so I'm donating on her behalf this round) That's legit, isn't it? Happy early bday, Beth!

Tom Tiernan


I have been involved with an organization like the Sharing Foundation (PeaceTrees Vietnam) for the past ten years. Its a good feeling to support a small grassroots org doing hands on work. They're often overlooked for the big impact they have in the lives of the people they serve.

Appreciate all your efforts to make a difference for the people of Cambodia.

And yes I did go to Michele's blog and lend my fiscal support.

Happy birthday.

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