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Alan Levine

Thanks Beth for the blog post and the donation.

FWIW, I had done this the last two years, running the half marathon on 2006 and 2007. For each of those years, I solicited all friends, family, anyone in my email address book.

This year I was acutely aware of the spot you can put people in, like the reason you know Dave is contacting you in October is because he wants some $$ for the ______ charity bike ride. It's not a bad thing, but I wanted to give my contacts a break.

I was going to pony up the minimum amount myself ($1000) but got lucky and got a one day software review gig that more than got that amount.

But in December I thought, "hey all you did was raise the minimum". So I decided to go for mostly strangers, doing one blog post and sending out a few twitter messages:

Wow, what a response- I raised my total funds raised to nearly $1600, and a number of them were from people I've never had contact with.

It was a great experience all the way around (well except for miles 22-25, ugh!)

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