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Craig Weinrich

Thanks for this alert. I did get the email yesterday, and although I'm the accidental techie, I replied back asking "her" for more information. I never thought to google her first. Now it appears that our server is acting as a zombie and sending out bunches of emails from I'm not sure if they are related, but this is something we can investigate!

Judi Sohn

As I monitor our organization's info@ inbox, I got the email yesterday too. Like Craig, it didn't even dawn on me to check up on "her." I did reply naively asking what specific information she wanted to know.

We get inquiries like this all the time, asking either about our organization or about colorectal cancer, so I didn't think anything of it until the same question arrived at a completely unrelated email address so I had a hint it was something shady but I couldn't tell for sure.

I wonder how many other e-scams are out there targeting non-profits? From time to time we get one from some poor soul who is dying of cancer and wants to leave us a few million in their will, but needs help covering the legal fees to set it all up.

Jeff Trexler

Thanks for calling this out. The splog references to are fun too. "It might be something good it might be something not so good." Indeed!

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