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« NpTech Tag Summary: More Doves on the Map, Social Networking Debates, and Social Media Revenue Models | Main | Effective ROI of Nonprofit Technology Story Telling Techniques »


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Patrick Furey

I would love to be considered for the book. I am an avid student of social media. I am involved with helping both for profit and non- profits navigate this constantly changing terrain. I am also a regular reader of Joseph's blog and am very interested in learning more from him.
Tank You


simple, i believe that Social networks it's a great opportunity to bring a change to our world, by "educate" the world, in the web 2.0 tools, the Social Media tools, when in the front of it, it's the word "conversation". can't wait the moment to see it happening ;)


Sounds great! I'd love to check it out :)

Stephanie McAuliffe

Thanks for pointing this out Beth (I'll buy my own)

Robin Yap

I'm heading to Manila next week and bringing a book like this as a giveaway to them at a social media/web 2.0 lecture would be a great incentive for the students to extend the learning after the session is completed. I'd like to be considered for the book

Danielle Hamilton

I'd love to read a copy! I run a website/ list that teaches fundraising to 2,000+ humane societies and animal rescue groups. I'm trying to help many of them move into Web 2.0 to connect with the younger generation (teens to twenties) of volunteers and future donors. We're exploring putting a personal touch in the e-media realm, to heighten transparency in communications and donations. This could really open up some excellent conversations! (Typically, I do a book review, and explain what I've learned in a series of messages to the list.)


Beth, great idea. Though I've heard a good bit about the book, and thoroughly want to read ALL of it, I'd like the book to give to a new co-worker (ie my boss) as part of a larger introduction to the market of conversations (cluetrain manifesto may be too much to start with).

Thanks for the consideration,

Sarah Byrnes

Hi Beth! I would love to win Joseph Jaffe’s book. I’m the Campaign Manager for a young nonprofit called Americans for Fairness in Lending ( We are about a year and a half old, and trying to raise awareness about the way lenders trap people in cycles of debt to make profits, harming families and the entire American economy in the process. I’ve begun reading yours and other blogs to learn how AFFIL can use Web 2.0 to spread its message and I’m sure Jaffe’s insights into the “brave new world of social media” will help us greatly. Best, Sarah

Pam Masters

I signed up to get your blog through one of the networking contests...and have very much enjoyed the information and suggesstions for improving our networking using the web. I am so excited to learn and hopefully use all these wonderful ideas to expand the support for our little non profit. I work for Community Opportunities Inc...we are an agency that creates opportunities for developmentally disabled adults and teens. If it is something that will improve their quality of life...we try to do it. I hope you will consider me for the copy of this book, I feel that everything I can learn and use will only help to further us with our mission.

Dave Webb

I wasn't familiar with Jaffe's work until I read about this book on your blog. As someone with a traditional media background in radio & newspapers, I dipped my toe in the social media stream last summer and now feel like I've waded in up to my knees. I have been fascinated by the way relationships are formed through social media. It used to be that you would meet someone in person, then connect with them online through email & a static website. Now, I've been connected first with people online and then meeting them in person or speaking over the phone. My hope is to use social media to help small businesses connect with non-profits for long-term, mutually beneficial relationships. Jaffe's book seems to address that need and I look forward to reading it.

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