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Thanks for help and encouragement Beth. It's reassuring that others have problems getting things to work. I thought it was me!

Key things I've learnt today:
- to add a 'page' for your organisation go to - thanks to Steve Bridger for this
- pages are tied to you as an individual (I thought you'd log on as the organisation to edit pages but when you set up a new page you get a new application appear in your apps list and you manage it from there)
- that not all apps work with pages - when you want to add an app to your page make sure you click the 'Add to page' button. If that button's not there then the app will be added to your individual profile and not your 'page'
- if you're a NFP then don't choose 'store' as the type of organisation (pretty obvious if you think about it!)
- My Flickr doesn't seem to work with pages. When you add it to your 'page' it doesn't post pictures there, it posts them to your individual profile . . . I posted a query to the developer

And . . . I've met Beth Kanter. When I started on this mission I posted a facebook note - two of my friends dived in and pointed to me to one of Beth's blog postings and I commented . . . isn't the internet wonderful?!

Laura Whitehead

Hi Beth (and Simon!),

I also use the 'Feed Invasion' application which you can set which feeds you want to appear in your profile. Fairly stable and reliable.

'Blog Friends' has also appeared on my profile (although don't remember adding that one myself!) which keeps me up to date with friends feeds too.

My only question in all this is how we can feed back user experiences and learning back to Facebook to make the processes and journeying easier for all in the future?

Beth Kanter

Simon just messaged me this:
Hi Beth

Just got this from the My Flickr developer:
My Flickr has not been fully developed for pages. I should probably turn that feature off until I get around to it.

No sillyness of yours.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


And adding My Flickr to pages is no longer an option.

Simon Berry

Just to round this off, it's interesting to reflect on the journey we have been on at ruralnet|uk.

We realised about 18 months ago that to be relevant we needed to get our stuff (online services) into places where people are operating online already. We cannot expect everyone to 1) know who we are 2) what we do 3) come to us . .

After nearly a year of really hard work on the part of our ICT Team mainly it is a real delight to be able to draw our existing materials from various places into facebook.

A current project of ours is supporting rural communities in the UK through the Post Office closure programme and there is loads of activity on facebook around this. Hopefully, we will be able to use our page to expose these groups to the services ruralnet|uk is able to offer these groups free of charge.


On the same theme we've just deployed our first 'online service delivery' widget here:

Look at the bottom left of the page.


Hello Simon and Beth. Am currently using Typepad's auto post in Facebook....but, as you say above, this is currently going to my individual friends, rather than the SSE group. And not being able to post applications (someone has made the SSE into an app via Widget Box for example) to groups is a pain....the 'page' sounds interesting, so I will investigate.


Nick Temple

Is there any way to put the Share on Facebook bookmarklet automatically on blog posts via Typepad?

Beth Kanter

These instructions came from Michele Martin and I'm posting them here:

Of course--glad to help!

Nick, the way that I added the Facebook option to my Typepad blog is with Feedburner. From looking at your blog, it looks like you may not have a Feeburner account set up, so if not, the first thing you'd need to do is visit their site here . You'll be able to just copy and paste the URL to your blog in the box at the bottom of the page where it says "Start Feedburning Now" and Feedburner will set up the feed for you. Then follow their steps to publicize and optimize your feed.

Under the "Optimize" tab (once your feed is set up), you'll see a link to "Feed Flare" in the right sidebar. Click on that--this is where you can select "add to," "Share on Facebook," etc. Select whatever options you want by putting a check in the box next to the items. Once you've selected what you want, scroll to the bottom and click on the "save" button.

Now it's time to turn on FeedFlare and Feedburner on your Typepad blog so that all of this shows up in your blog posts and your feeds are set up. Scroll down to the bottom of the FeedFlare page again, right above the "save" button, to where it says, "Get the HTML code to put FeedFlare on Your site." Click on the drop down menu and select "Typepad." It will then open a new window that explains how you can activate Feedburner and FeedFlare on your site.

I hope this explains things--please let me know if you have any problems or questions with this. Sometimes it's hard to get everything via email.


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