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John Powers

You might be interested in the last few posts at Phil Jones'Platform Wars blog--at least a window on developer's perspectives on this issue.

I found useful, and in some ways it seemed very different from most YASNs. With that site shuttering its doors, it has more or less pushed me into exploring other YASNs in the non-profit area.

My experience is quite young, but I do find that the NetVibes approach makes a lot of sense. For example, my first interface to Facebook is a widget there. Maybe I'm missing something, but it does seem that Facebook is banking on "owning the social backbone" of a user. Netvibes makes me think the reality is more complicated than that.

Beth Kanter

You're making me curious about NetVibes. I look at it a long time ago with page flakes, but need to take a closer look.

I'm trying to figure out to get my brain back in order ... all this social networking is making me very distracted and has shortened my attention, and possibly lowered my IQ.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Let me know if you blog about netvibes -- would love to follow

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