Photo from CC site - It didn't have a CC license, but I am assuming I can use it?
Today, when I couldn't get online, I was cleaning up and organizing my paper work and I found an old fashion, snail mail annual fund request. from Creative Commons in my bills. Creative Commons? And, it was signed by Lawrence Lessig or at least someone actually signing his name. (I wet my finger and rubbed the ink and it smeared ..) I put it in a pile and left at my computer desk, hoping that my Internet access would return and I could donate online.
When I finally got my Internet access back, there was an email from Lawrence Lessig that said:
Last week, I sent you a letter (yes! a physical, personally signed letter!) launching Creative Commons' third annual fundraising campaign. Those letters (and these emails) are not easy for me to write. You don't become an academic because you like market pressures. Yet each year, I find myself in the middle of a campaign that is the most important measure of our market success. And so, faced with the prospect of facing a real world test, I cower. I beg my staff to leave me to my books. I daydream about ways that CC might avoid this need to prove itself, yet again.
But they don't give tenure to nonprofits. And so I am writing again to ask for your help. This is our fifth anniversary. (You can read a bit about where we've been, and where we're going in the link below.) We've set $500,000 as our goal. We're 1/5th the way there. But we need to be all the way there by the 15th of December. Please do what you can -- or maybe 5 times what you can. I can't promise another physical letter in response. But I do try to reply to each gift individually, and I would very much like to reply individually to a gift from you.
Support CC:
Lessig Letters:
Thank you in advance.
Lawrence Lessig
Creative Commons
So, I donated online, my preferred method - no checks to write, no envelopes to lick, no trip to the post office. And, of course, I just had to give enough so I could get the cool new 2007 campaign t-shirt. I can't wait to add it to the series of photos of I have of my kids wearing CC t-shirts. Of course, I also have photos of other kids and bloggers in Cambodia wearing them - as well as friends.