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Laura Whitehead

Hi Beth, like you I am now hooked on analysing my weblog site further since the Google Analytics screencast primer you did.
With regards to increasing sign up, part of the '31 Days to a Better Blog' experiment I participated in, involved looking deeper into making it easier to sign up to feeds and why. I also implemented an audio feed by Readspeaker which has been hugely popular. I too have problems with my 'mission statement' (!) for my blog and it's title, but it seems to be working for me for now! I write on two strands of interest which may confuse some readers (non profit technology, and also web design with accessibility and usability). Both areas have their own audience to an extent and hopefully they can both learn and share across the topics too!


Neesha N. Rahim

Hi Beth,
I too have been obsessing over the question "does it work" in regards to Web 2.0 tools. Your webinar with Laura was a fantastic start for me. As a fundraising consultant, I'm asked (a lot!) if the Web 2.0 tools folks are hearing more and more about are going to be worth their time. Or, if they are spending time on them, is it worth the investment of staff time. I picked up Avinash's book as you'd suggested and haven't yet delved into the chapter on measuring whether or not social networking tools are effective in raising money or not. Other than using case studies to point out that they are (or aren't), I'm hoping that using Web Analytics might work. Does anyone know if there are big institutions out there measuring this in general? I'd imagine that the for profit sector is taking a hard look at this at well.

Thanks, Neesha

Beth Kanter


This is bad, but sometimes I think a narrow focus is like a straight jacket. Yet, on the other hand you can't be all over the map. I'm envisioning your topic area like a venn diagram.

I suspect that my readers don't read everything I write about, but there are overlaps - and the united theme is nonprofit.


Avinash's book chapter is on social media metrics is focused on blog. He is writing about that in general and so is J. Owyang who rocks too.

I'm doing a panel at the Museum Computer Network Conference next month on metrics for web sites - specificially talking about social media - blogs. I hope to learn more about this topic and will share with you.

BTW, do you have a blog? Are you writing about this?

Neesha N. Rahim

Hi Beth,
Is your panel going to include info on measuring the effectiveness of social networking sites (for my purposes, this would be in the context of raising money), or will it be concentrated on blogs?
I don't have a blog as yet. But the consulting firm I'm with, The Osborne Group, is working on getting one up and running.
Thanks for all your great insight on this topic!

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