Two of favorite nonprofit BlogHers, Michele Martin (of the Bamboo Project), and Rosetta Thurman(of Perspectives from the Pipeline) are interested in piloting one-day free retreat for about 15 women on a Saturday in the Washington, DC area. The only cost to participants would be for food, and potentially meeting space.
Both these women share a strong passion for professional development in the nonprofit sector and beyond. As anyone who reads their blogs regularly knows, this is some of the best writing on the topic in the sector. Take for example Rosetta's recent post on "Blogs as Online Learning and Low Cost Nonprofit Professional Development" or Michele's posts on professional development. They are both interested in the needs of women and how to support them in the career development process. The idea for the retreat notes Michele is that "A lot of women don't take the time to invest in themselves and we wanted to do something about it."
The retreat will provide some self-assessment and goal-mapping exercises and help participants create an action plan for their career goals. They are floating this idea to see if there interest and will move forward based on that. If you are interested, you can find out more about the retreat here or here.
What blogs written by women who provide career advice (either specific to nonprofit sector or otherwise) do you read?
For more on Career advice for women, check out these blogs:
The Savvy Entrepreneur
Career Woman, Inc
The Career Encouragement Blog
Career Assessment Goddess Blog
Cross-posted at BlogHer