Photo: Jennifer Pozner
That's Rashmi Sinha, the CEO of Slideshare. (And everyone know how much I love SlideShare) I got to met her at BlogHer and talk about Slideshare! Slideshare recently launched slidecasting, the ability to add audio. I tested it using the Camtasia powerpoint narration feature, but looks like there is some bug. But, for me, what I really like is the access to the excellent content on the site and the community. I'm gonna have to fireup audacity and give it whirl.
Wow, I am jealous you got to meet Rashmi- she has been extremely responsive just when I've blogged about Slideshare.
An overdue unblogged post is something you've already touched on; how slideshare has incrementally added social features (friends, tags, groups) that add value.
But I'll cheer again on that the audio integration that have is unparalleled -- essentially a web-based, free version of what Breeze had 3 years ago in a $$$$$$ desktop app.
Doing audio first makes sense, an approach used digital storytelling. In looking to add audio for some slideshares I already have, I am thinking about cranking up audacity and talking through the slides I have done.
And for any audio that ultimately goes though a flash player, I'd recommend making sure the sample rate is a clean multiple of 11.025 kHz (e.g. 22.050 , 44.100) to avoid any chipmunk effects.
Posted by: Alan | August 02, 2007 at 11:01 PM
Hi Beth - I think the link should be not - we were really happy to try it out for the first time for our Collaborate2007 event (which is still on the front page!), with audio it will be even better - I'll catch up with you on Facebook soon
Posted by: Paul Henderson | August 03, 2007 at 05:34 AM