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Shaping Youth

I haven't even started tagging other than Technorati, so need to really get serious about 'reach' for our blog as Shaping Youth progresses. I need to tag more effectively and develop "best practices." (I look to your blog for a healthy dose of mental floss and pragmatics quite often, so thanks!)

I'm also quite optimistic this social media model could be used for nonprofit collaborative efforts...

From exchanging information to cause-marketing and fundraising, I see considerable potential here...(e.g. personal case studies & first hand solutions for situational conundrums like cyberbullying, a unique "BlogHer's Act" point of view on a given topic, or an eco-book of hands-on action steps of innovation and education. (World Wildlife Fund had a fun forum going for kids' ideas on how to help the planet; which would convert nicely to a participatory, action-steps 'blook' to step out into community service. Lots of ideas...

p.s. Fast Company just ran an article on the Age of Conversation too, I didn't notice Brian Reich was a co-contributor! It'll take me awhile to get to know the whole team, but I'm honored to be a part of the co-authoring effort and furthering the conversation. Thanks for the ping on Shaping Youth; let's definitely keep in touch.

Gavin Heaton

Hey Beth, thanks for featuring The Age of Conversation. We are all very excited about it and hope that it really is the start of the conversation. Thanks for being part of it!

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