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« Update on Sierra/Locke Statement ... | Main | Creative Commons Affnity Group at NTC »


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I liked your tagging screen cast. Now, on this topic, I think this is a huge issue, perhaps more huge than we realize. How can we use tech efficiently? Good question for everyone, but especially for nonprofits.

chris tuttle

Hey Beth!

Great session! I led the "getting started" small-group and we had a great conversation about both the simple 123 steps for starting in Flickr and brainstormed and shared ways in which Flickr could be used to support the work each of them are doing. When I get some time I'll type up notes of our small-group and share.

Bertie Bosredon

We are starting to use Flickr at Breast Cancer Care for our Events.
It's just the beginning but we gave all our trek participants instructions to set up an account on Flickr and join our groups.
We are planning to stream the photos on a new Events site we are currently building.

Kaj Rietberg

Is education also nonprofit? I work in special needs education. For a lesson I used Flickr to show the children photo's of Egypt.

Elliot Margolies

I gave a workshop to the Communications folks for the different PTA branches in our community. The first three reservations kept coming up about using Flickr. I like the way conference attendees were able to share their photos on a single slideshow at:

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