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Claudia Ceraso

Your post puts widgets right where they belong.

I would like to share with you a post I wrote for EFL teachers taking an online course on blogging for students. There I exemplify and explain how I use widgets in a blog for my own English language students.
On Gadgets and Widgets

Personally I find that for the newcomer, the fun aspect of widgets overweighs the value these tools can have to support your message and create a sense of belonging to a community of readers.

All the way from Buenos Aires,
(fceblog on

Marshall Kirkpatrick

Wow! What an awesome post!

Marilee Taussig

it IS an awesome post, but, oh no, when I click the link to see the screencast, I get a blank page? Any I am very eager to see it!



It should work. That happened to me if I clicked on it multiple times - something in the cache got stuck. I have not idea why this happens with the host. I'm going to it up over at as well ...


Marilee: I uploaded the screencast into splashcast as well ... and have created channel over there for all my screencasts!



You rock! This is amazing and what a great way to use Splashcast!

Wendy Ritson-Jones

Hi Beth,
I'm new to Web2.0 stuff and find sometimes I'm completely overwhelmed by the new language and technology. Your post was really easy to follow, especially for non-techie folk like myself. I'm now going to try and experiment to see if I can get a widget installed successfully on my blog. Many thanks

rosa ochoa

Thanks for your comment, Beth. It's us who are honoured to be able to refer to your knowledge on widgets.

Karen Bentley

What a great post. I'm just about to help out an Australian women's organisation to upgrade its website and this post was so clear and helpful that I'm going to put a link to your website and blog on my own website.

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