This week on the NpTech Tag call, the idea of social search was referenced. Nancy White just sent me this note about a conference call on Monday about the topic.
Here's the deal: If we can't sort the wheat from the chaff, the chaff wins.
If so, the Net becomes a big pit of quicksand.
Search engines keep improving, sometimes imperceptibly, but my money's on social search. We'll find our best information from other people, not from software filters.
There are many social ways to filter info, from digg (see especially the Diggswarm) and Memeorandum to, blogging, reblogging (see
the Google Reader Sharing
FAQ) and more.
so let's discuss:
- How are people making sense of the torrent of info on the Net?
- What do you use? What practices have you developed?
- What is missing? What do you wish someone would build?
As always, an IRC Chat
will be available during the call, here.
Date: Monday, January 29, 2007
Time: 10:30 PDT, 1:30
Primary Dial-in Number: 1-800-615-2900 (Toll Free in USA and Canada)
1-661-705-2005 (for callers outside the USA and
Access Code: 778778
goodness at
I think that people are combining several tools. For me it's an evolving system, but for now looks like:
Posted by: Harold Jarche | January 27, 2007 at 04:11 PM