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I'm glad we didn't completely disappear up our own blogs! but I'm glad for the link to Lucy's blog - I then went to the Mentoring Worldwide site and found her post on the I-See-T report which was encouraging. I've just been thinking while I catch up on scanning through my Bloglines about the time spent/saved blogging in particular compared to email. As a blogging expert do you find you communicating through you blog a more efficient and effective way of communicating than email? I think one of the barriers to blogging is seeing it as an extra overhead in addition to wading through and answering emails, but I bet your answer to a lot of queries is 'look on the blog' - it's searchable, available all the time, you can post documents, pictures and links up there instead of emailing them to people every time they ask... am I right or am I dreaming of blog utopia? Let's face it people use email all the time for stuff that would be much better done elsewhere, it's just they haven't tried it or haven't seen it in practice.

Dave F.

I wonder whether, in terms of other people who are physically present and trying to get your attention, live blogging gives a blogger a get-out-of-rudeness-free card, the way talking on a cell phone apparently does?

Michelle Murrain

One question I have always had about the ways in which face to face conversations get extended into social media (whether it be live blogging, flickr, or, my favorite pre-web social media, IRC) is that two things are true: it takes something away from the event itself (because at least one person who could be talking is busy typing) as it's happening, and the resulting conversation seen out in the world is very diluted.

This has lead me to think about how to do this better. I have to admit to liking to read liveblogging of some events - although I also like more distilled summaries that have been produced after the fact.

An interesting intermediate is the use of Wikis - which provide richness during an event, as well as a way for people to be involved remotely. It also provides a way to work with content generated at the event later.

But, there are times, I think, when it makes sense to actually make everyone put their laptops away, and there are times to have lots of liveblogging, IRC, etc. going. It's just a matter understanding what is most appropriate in a given situation.

Greg Balanko-Dickson

I have a live event coming up in May and this has me thinking of the possibilities, opportunities, and drawbacks.

We are thinking of streaming and recording the event and yet getting real time feedback from the audience would be cool and challenging. Hmmm...

Walter Jeffries

Interesting thought. On the other hand, I don't travel so my nightly block reading and writing is not just a relaxing time after a day's outdoor physical labor but a chance for me to meet and share with people I would never otherwise know. The internet has brought the world to my doorstep in a carefully controlled flow that I can adjust as needed.


I agree - it's absolutely about how we use the social technologies to extend our conversation - each new media adds to, but rarely supplants existing media, thus providing a greater menu of choices for interaction

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