In both my campaigns, I let the fundraising widget/badge remain on my sidebar even after the campaign was over and we had made our goal. More out of laziness versus strategy. In both instances, there were additional contributions - or the "bounce." So, don't take down your widget immediately! Be a lazy slob like me and raise a little extra!
One of the things that the Sharing Foundation's founder, Dr. Hendrie, is obsessing about this week is the best way to say thank you to donors who give to you online. Her biggest concern about doing online fundraising is that we would loose our personal connection to donors if sent out "form" emails. She always like to say, "We write every donor a personal thank you no matter the size of the gift!" People appreciate that, particularly when the physical thank you is written on a card created with a drawing by a child in Cambodia who has benefited from TSF's programs. (See above)
How do you translate a personal touch to email?
I'd be horrified if I knew I'd caused Dr. Hendrie to spend all that time writing me a note. I'd rather hear stories over the coming months about how the contributions are forwarding the foundation's mission. That is worth a million thank you notes and it can be broadcast to all of us.
When I donate, I need the typical IRS form and I regret the work that causes organizations. I'd rather know the money is going to work on mission, not on fundraising. That keeps me coming back to give more.
Just my 2 cents worth!
Posted by: Nancy White | January 04, 2007 at 04:02 PM