Materials (draft) for a workshop on January 15 2007 at the UK circuit rider conference to be presented by David Wilcox and Beth Kanter. We will lead a discussion about and present on nonprofits using social media and also beta the social media nonprofit adoption game during the workshop. We've planned and built the materials (which are a work in progress) on the Social Media Wiki - which also houses a draft guide on Social Media that David is writing for NCVO.
The slides and notes with links to loads of resources and examples can be found here
The social media game can be found here
Feedback appreciated. You can leave a comment or post a comment in the space in the discussion area. The wiki is under "by" 2.0 license.
I want to thank all the UK folks who sent us examples, pointers, left comments, and also a few US colleagues for walking the open source thinking walk with us - Holly Ross at NTEN and Katya Andresen at NetworkforGood who shared their powerpoints on these topics.
as well as Nancy White (John and Etienne) for that definition of technology stewards.
You know, I'm getting too old to pull anymore all-nighters - and also wanted to thank the other night owls on Skype -- like Allan and Matthew who IM me some definition when I had brain freeze. Well, gotta get another latte..
OOh, looking forward to reading all this. I also had a big birthday post on my blog for ya, but blogger is futzing up and I can't seem to post. Grrr. you will see it eventually!
Posted by: Nancy White | January 11, 2007 at 04:17 PM
I really like the use of images, it’s very powerful.
Unfortunately, I didn’t know about this conference until recently. I would have loved to attend.
Posted by: Bertie Bosredon | January 12, 2007 at 01:14 AM
Hi Beth,
I'm beginning to use images to convey ideas in my blog. I think this is powerful.
I found a girls mentoring blog at
I'd like to connect such events with the May and November tutor/mentor conferences that I organize in Chicago and on the Internet. Can you tell me more about this?
Can you post something about it on my or in the articles section of ?
Posted by: Dan Bassill | January 12, 2007 at 10:03 AM
I'm just getting around to watching this. The images are great. I laughed aloud with the Yes/No panel.
I don't know how you keep up, but you do a great service for the rest of us. Thanks.
Posted by: John Powers | January 13, 2007 at 10:24 PM
Thanks Beth. Great slides. I really liked the Yes/No2.0... they would make for a good questionnaire to give clients at the beginning of negociations for a contract.
Posted by: Beverly Trayner | January 16, 2007 at 08:57 AM