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« A few more examples of Widget Fundraising Campaigns | Main | A couple of good UK/NGO/WEB2.0 Resources »


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Way to go Beth! Thanks for doing such good for Cambodia.

Michele Martin

Congratulations, Beth! It's great to see that you're almost there!


Congrats, Beth. Finally we made it. :)

Beth Kanter

Yes, Leng Sopharath is set for this year ... but as you well know Mongkol the needs are great in Cambodia. And, the Sharing Foundation's educational programs support many other kids. So I hope people will continue to contribute!

Kevin Hughes

Hi Beth - I've been working on the widget with the ChipIn team, and I just wanted to let you know that it's things like this that make the long hours and effort well worth it. Congratulations to you and the Sharing Foundation!

Maryann Devine

Congratulations, Beth! What you've done is amazing!

John  Powers

You are indeed amazing! Lots of the things that you suggest are easy and immediately done--if I could remember to. But some of what you do takes quite a little learning. It's so wonderful then how you bring the easy and hard together in one big package.

I'm so pleased you met your goal and are keeping on. And so thankful that you are sharing all of this.

I'm currently trying to help fund raising for matching grants by Omidyar Network for a Attacking Water-Borne Diarrheal Illnesses. I've launched a blog ">Hats For Health I've gushed to others involved about your incredible efforts and blog. But now they want me to do the same. Yikes!

I've got some studying to do. The great thing is you've laid out some much great information. Thanks

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