What happens when you give a grantmaker a camera and flickr account? An interesting use of flickr as a documentation tool! Check out this photo set of the launch of a mesh network in rural San Diego for Indian Communities, San Diego Tribal Digital Village.
Last May, I documented a project of the Sharing Foundation's in flickr. (It's the college sponsorship program). I got a comment with a great idea - take the flickr API and integrate some Andy Goodman story telling structure and viola an online story generator!
If you want to talk about flickr and nonprofits, there's a place to do so here.
Thanks for the plug Beth! I admit, we've only used flickr as a photo album so far, but the real interesting stuff could happen as we think about social media creatively.
* How can grantmakers and grantees use flickr, youtube, creativecommons, etc as reporting and documentation tools?
* How can virtual spaces complement in-person grantee convenings to build knowledge capital?
* How can grantmakers learn from each other?
The possibilities are endless...
Posted by: Eugene Chan | October 06, 2006 at 05:04 PM