Since I'm going to Podcamp, I'm summarizing this bit of wisdom from the N-TEN Discuss List:
Any recommendations on a decent microphone that will plug into a laptop?
The only brand I know is Shure, but I'm sure there are others. Preferably, a mic that will plug into our Powerbook although I'm assuming audio inputs are standard?
What follows is just a quick capture - and tommorrow I'll find out more about this at Podcamp and refine this ...
For Microphones there are two basic varieties that you will encounter:
Stereo Mini-Plug Mics: These have the headphone jack-like plugs on the end of them and are often marketed to the mini-disc recording crowd but they will plug into a laptop, they are generally better for recording stereo audio from concerts or presentations (i.e. audio from a distance) rather than a person sitting down and recording a podcast or an interview. Be careful because some of these require "phantom" power from whatever they are plugged into, your laptop's jack will not provide this. Many options have batteries built in and do not need this. The Sony Minidisc mics are good for this. Here a some links to mics of this
The other option is the more traditional XLR-cabled mic. These are the more conventional vocal and recording mics. The classic workhorse is the Shure SM-58. This is a great all-around mic for and it will stand up to years of abuse.
If you are just recording in a relatively controlled environment, and you want better sound quality, I would recommend going with some sort of large-diaphragm condenser mic. The MXL's are good cheap choice:
With any kind of XLR mic you need a USB interface to get the sound into your computer. For this I strongly recommend the m-audio mobile-pre:
The mic you get depends on what you're trying to do.. If, for example, you're plugging into a laptop, it sounds like you want something small and portable. Well.. This ain't that.
However, if you're doing studio grade recording, you want something that is... Well, studio-grade.
If you want the BEST -- if you want to sound like "Professional "..
Then look at Heil Sound. They make the ABSOLUTE BEST microphones in the world. They even make me sound like deep and senseous .. While in reality I sound like a chipmonk on helium.
Here's a link to their pro-line of mics:
These are three pin XLR mics and require power. I personally like the PR-30 and PR-40, but they are a wee bit dear.
On the low end, I use a TELEX H-841 USB headset with microphone. It too has great sound, but is no where near the Heil. Basically, it's for skype. Unfortunately, they seem to have stopped making them. T'is a Pity.