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Barbara Sawhill

Hi Beth:
Yes, well Skype was originally intended to be used for people to "hook up" and some folks are not really happy that people have "co-opted" it for more legitimate practices.

To contrast what Mir says I have to mention that i had one of my students use the "skype me" mode to find a complete stranger on the border of Mexico and the US with whom she had an extraordinary conversation about immigration issues, abortion...the whole gamut. And not one mention of anything perverted.

(I actually have had more problems with unnecessary interruptions in the giant chat spaces in Skype that your other colleague used than any one on one contacts)

But yes, these tools do require us to think before using and educating ourselves and others along the way.

I am woefully behind on my Blogher follow ups but know that I will have more resources for you soon... but please know if you need anything (Skype related or otherwise...) just let me know!

(skype name: barbarasawhill)

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