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Allison Fine

Thanks for the shout-out, Beth! Love to hear about all different uses of social media becoming embedded in customs around the world. What a brave new world it is, indeed!

Marianne Richmond

Your post reminded me of when my son, who is now 13, was 5 and lost a tooth. We put it under his pillow and he hopefully fell asleep. Unfortunately, I fell asleep reading and did not awaken to play tooth fairy.A mother's worst fear about the loss of a tooth. The tooth itself fortunately made its way behind his bed but when he woke up there was nothing from the tooth fairy. He was devastated.In a panic, I was able to set up an AOL email account with the name "I am the tooth [email protected]" and sent him an email from the tooth fairy saying that she was sorry, but had tried to get him a Sammy Sousa bat (his name is Sam and he is a huge baseball fan) but they were out of stock. It was on back order and would be delivered in a few days. I then ordered one from Sports Authority and he was delighted when it arrived. Definitely his most memorable tooth fairy experience.


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