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Thanks for the kind words. I may be a serial something... maybe a serial pick the hardest possible business to get into, the payments business. Anyways, did want to give you a heads up that chipin is releasing two key features for fundraising.

1) Public events. Organizers can now make their events public and generate a unique url they can send out via email or post on their website/blog

2) ChipIn widget. We have a widget you can place on your site in javascript, xhtml, and flash format. So not you can have participants spread the word by placing a widget on their sites that include information on the chipin event (progress bar, description, etc) and also allows individuals to request to chipin. The organizer can set the moderation level for the event (fully moderated, limited moderation based on addressbook, and fully open). If you want to check it out drop me an email and I'll give you our test code snippet. info at chipin dot com


Love your blog. Definately check out Micro-loans directly to entrepreneurs in the developing world. Lifting families out of poverty for very low costs. Great stuff!

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