Meet the Bloghers ...
Here's a few women I was able to interview during Friday night's dinner.
Maria's Blog is a personal blog with her writing and about Northern California. Maria was feeling a little overwhelmed with the energy in the room and so was I. So, plunged in for the first quick interview ...
Why did you decide to attend blogher? "I am curious to see what would happen when you put 300 intelligent and creative women in a room. This is a first step to seeing more women in blogging and other technical conferences."
Meet Susan Getgood who blogs about marketing. She gave me her "blog card" which has her blog URL and contact information. Susan was also jetlagged like me as she lives in Hudson, MA.
Why did you come to Blogher? "I was disturbed that Blogosphere A-List primarily consists of white males. I am pleased to be in a space that brings out women's s. The second reason I came is that I'm on a panel.
What's the name of the panel? "Shit, I don't know. It's on marketing for businesses and nonprofits."
Have you ever forgotten to pack something important? Never! Make a list for yourself.
Meet Marnie Webb who blogs about nonprofit technology. Check out her post on the big Blogher debate.
Why did you come to blogher? For all the reasons that were in the conference participant survey ...
Are you ready for your session? I'm really excited about the session we're doing on Advanced Tools. I met the other panelists today and there is going to be a lot of learning.
Do you think more nonprofits should be attending events like this? It would be great to bring more nonprofits into this energy, but maybe better for nonprofit technology consultants to be the bridges or bridge bloggers. Let's see what unfolds.
Reminder: If you're interested in having dinner with Nancy White on nonprofit blogging, contact her.
Technorati Tags: blogher bloghercon
It was so nice to meet you, Beth! Thanks for interviewing me and thanks for the picture. I meant to thank you earlier, but, as you know, wireless access was pretty spotty at the conference...
Posted by: maria | July 30, 2005 at 10:51 PM