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Julian Bermudez


One example of a blog being used in the museum context can be found at Ushnisha, Pacific Asia Museum's blog on Buddhism and Buddhist art. The blog is designed as a forum for happenings in Buddhism and Buddhist art in Southern California and throughout the world. It can be found at

Greg B.

This of course reminds me of Antenna Theatre - and their for-profit spin-off, Antenna Audio.

It's also ... ironic? to read this in the context of your previous article on museum revenue declining....

I'm seeing a trend (that may be obvious?) of this new techno-DIY affecting even areas that are not typically targets of anti-establishment work - like the arts world. I'll have to follow-up my thoughts over on Ext 311. :-)


Thanks Greg for the pointer to Antenna Audio. And, looking forward to your extended thoughts on this ... I have some ideas perculating in brain.

I did a bunch of research for a npower research paper on the topic of how arts organizations are using to technology to deliver programs back in 2003. I searched for examples of on how they were using handhelds/mobile technology. All of it at was experimental at the time. I think a a few of the examples someplace or they might be referred to in the report.

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