I'm blogging again. It has been a long and dreary winter. I got out of the habit. Good bloggers make posting a daily ritual. It is hard to be a blogger and be a mommy of a three-year old!
In January, 2003, my friend Jon Stahl gave me the gift of this moveable type blog. But, the technology failed to inspire me to pick up my blog habit. At the roundup, as I was riding the escalator, one of the best bloggers in our community said to me, "I'd read your blog if you'd update it."
Feeling a little inspired after Roundup and taking Rifkin's point about "optimizing relationships", I've decided to start blogging again. Jon had even given up on me and deleted my blog! However, he replied to my email with ... "Beth, I recreated you."
Inspired to make a comprehensive list of bloggers who hangout on the Rider's list, I posted a query - "Who's blogging now?" Got only one response from Michelle Murrain who keeps a
personal blog.
Other NPO Techie Bloggers out there include:
Jon Stahl
Michael Gilbert
Carl Coryell-Martin's Roundup Blog
I've got to update this list - so much has happened in two years with blogging ....
Posted by: Beth | April 27, 2005 at 05:20 PM