NPR used the April Fool's Day as lead to a story about war jokes, a slippery slope for stand up comics. I'm not in the mood for pranks, jokes, or any other humor.
Well, at least my colleagues in the nonprofit tech community can always get a good laugh at nonprofit sector, including CompassPoint's annual Food for Thought April Fool's Day edition.
And if need some inspiration for April fools day, check out the Museum of Hoaxes.
I remember someone posting a great piece of clip art in 2001 to the Rider's list, "Circuit Riding for Dummies." I had saved it on my hard drive, but can't find it. Drat, the list archives don't go back that far. I did find last year's April Fool's prank from 2002 posted on the Rider's List. However, seems pretty appropriate for 2003.
Meanwhile, time to take a break from this technology stuff and make a Mango Fool to mark the holiday.